Pain in the Knee Joint Knee Health

Reasons of pain in the knee joint are different. For sporty active people, pain is often caused by overload or improper loading of the joint, which causes pain during movement, for example, during running, climbing down the stairs, or during peacetime. Depending of where precisely the pain is located – inside of knee, outside of knee, or in front of the knee, good specialist can determine the possible reason of pain. Knee is the biggest joint in our body – the bones in the knee joint are hold together with ligaments and tendons, therefore knee joint is exposed to the risk of injury. As the reasons of pain in the joint can be different, also pain can take many forms – as a throbbing, stabbing, pulling, burning or tightening pain.

Sporty active people injure their knees more often. The most common injuries are posterior cruciate ligament tear, medial or lateral meniscus tear, medial or lateral ligament tear, patella dislocation or fracture, etc. However, the most common reason of knee pain is not previously mentioned injuries, but knee overload or improper loading. For example, for sporty active people, reasons of knee pain can be improper running technique, O or X type leg condition, muscle imbalance, shortened tight muscle or, comparing to rear tight muscles, too weak front tight muscles. Often knee pain is caused by instability of pelvic and ankle, as well as weak foot muscle. All of these conditions do not require surgery or strong medicines – with targeted and proper course of physiotherapy these conditions can be prevented, thereby preventing the knee pain.

Iliotibial band syndrome or runner’s knee

In case of iliotibial band syndrome patient feels sharp, stabbing pain in the outer side of knee, which is caused by friction when iliotibial band rubs against the outer edge of femur. Friction irritates tissues of ligaments, causing an inflammation of bursa. At first, the pain appears only during running or climbing up the stairs, but later it can appear at rest as well. In case of this pain it is recommended to use some NSAIDs, cold applications, and individually adapted physiotherapy course, as well as to take a rest.

Patellofemoral pain syndrome

The possible reason of knee pain, which appears climbing up the stairs, is overload of patella tendon. It causes sharp, stabbing pain just below the knee cap. In case of this pane it is recommended to use cold applications and appropriate physiotherapy.

Knee pain after a fall

The reason of knee pain after a fall can be a damage of meniscus or cruciate ligament, especially, if during the fall knee joint has been directed outwards or inwards. In case of cruciate ligament damage without the pain, the patient can observe the oedema as well as instability of joint. In case of meniscus damage knee joint strongly hurts, is swollen, and there can be the feeling of “locked joint”. In such cases, the patient needs the help of orthopaedist and physiotherapist. Course of physiotherapy will help to recover the mobility of knee joint and the strength of muscles.

Knee pain of elderly people

For older people, knee pain can be caused by overload of knee joint and improper loading of knee joint. However, for elderly people, one of the most common causes of knee pain is wear of knee cartilage or, in other words, osteoarthritis. In this case, also night pain may be typical. Also in case of osteoarthritis the physiotherapy can reduce the intensity of pain, strengthening the muscles around the knee joint as well as removing muscle imbalance.

Pain inside of knee

Pain inside of knee can be a sign of medial meniscus damage. Pain in this area can cause an inflammation of bursa as well as an inflammation or damage of flexors muscle tendons. In this case, it is important to differentiate the cause of pain and to develop the correct course of treatment.

Plica syndrome

If the pain appears in front of knee after physical activities, then it can be plica syndrome. If plica is over-irritated, it can swell and be squeezed between the bones, leading to inflammation. Without the pain, bending the knee, crunching and cracking noises can be heard. Plica syndrome can be successfully cured with physiotherapy and reduction of load.

Pain in the back of the knee

If the pain appears in the back of the knee, then one of the reasons can be Baker cysts. In this case, the joint liquid accumulates in the form of cysts and looks like swelling in the back of the knee. Baker cysts are characterized by tightening pain, completely bending or straightening the knee. In such cases, the pain can be relieved by individually developed physiotherapy program.

Mathew Foster

I am Mathew Foster – an enthusiast of sports who not only regularly practices different sports, but also has a deep interest in it.

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