Not only adults, youth and children, but also babies need knee protection, especially during crawling and walking. Most popular knee supports for babies are knee pads which are intended for knee protection against different knee injuries, for example, bumps, bruises and abrasions which can be caused by sudden and direct blows and attrition. Babies get these knee injuries quite often, because, as we all now, babies are crawling and learning to walk, and very often these attempts fail – they fall on the ground which usually is some hard surface. It is not a secret, that contact with hard surfaces can result in knee injuries both for adults and babies. Babies naturally have higher risk of different injuries, because their bones, tissues and skin are thinner and brittler.
The way how to prevent knee injuries for babies is usage of baby knee pads. It is clear, that knees need protection in both cases – when baby is crawling and when it is learning to walk, but, basing on experience, knees get more injuries such as abrasions during intensive crawling because of constant attrition, therefore, we will be talking about baby knee pads for crawling.
At approximately 6 to 10 months babies start to explore the world by crawling from place to place. During these crawling marathons parents may notice that their babies have red looking, scuffed or irritated knees. It is because babies love to crawl naked – their soft and delicate knees chafe against different surfaces which are found in the house – carpet, tiles, linoleum, laminate, parquet, marble, concrete and other flooring, causing abrasions and bruises. Considering the softness of baby skin, it does not take much to rub their skin on knees. A lot of babies get through their crawling stage with little irritation and do not need any protection for their knees, but babies which are particularly active may need some knee protection to prevent injuries and further damages, if they have occurred.
We put shoes on babies feet to protect them, but for some unknown reason we do not bother with their knees. Fortunately, there are great range of knee protection products which are designed to keep babies knees safe and comfortable while crawling. Knee pads are the most used prevention against knee injuries. Baby knee pads may be in different sizes, thickness, design, style and color, but like the most of baby clothes and accessories these knee pads have special, babyish design decorated with some animals, flowers, toys or other baby accessories. It should be mentioned that nowadays we can get not only baby knee pads, but also special clothes with protective inserts, for example, tights, pants, overalls and other clothing.
There are some other advices which can prevent knee injuries during crawling:
- Dress baby in pants which are made of 100% cotton, because synthetic fibers irritated baby’s skin;
- Put a blanket or carpet down on hard surfaces to pad baby’s knees against attrition and thus irritation;
- Prevent baby from crawling over rough and hard surfaces such as cement, gravel and other similar surfaces;
- Apply some soothing and moisturizing cream on baby’s knees to soothe any chafing and protect the skin from further chafing.
As mentioned in the beginning, it is not just crawlers that benefit from knee pads – if toddler is just learning to walk, then there is a possibility that it will frequently fall down on the floor, banging its knees against it. The task of every parent is to provide its toddler’s knees with a soft place where to land each time it falls on the ground. There are two possibilities how to soften toddler’s falls – usage of baby leg warmers or usage of baby knee pads, but knee pads are safer than leg warmers, because leg warmers provide as much knee protection as a thick sock, can be slippery and often slide down. For those parents who have unfriendly floors for baby crawling knee pads are the best solution – knee area of knee pads is made of thick padded material, providing babies knees with ultimate protection.
Talking about baby knee pads sizing, unfortunately, the range of baby knee pads sizes is fairly limited. It is not a problem, if baby is an average size, but if it is bigger or smaller, knee pads may restrict the blood flow or slid down the knees. Wearing of improper knee pads also may cause injuries and pain, therefore, you have to get perfectly suitable knee pads for your baby.